
Please see below for our fees, appointment and insurance details.


Consultation: £95
Treatment: £90

Consultation: £85
Treatment: £80

Concessions are available for students and those with financial difficulties. Please discuss things with the receptionist or your practitioner. Please settle the fee at the time of treatment – we accept cash, cheque and most credit & debit cards.

Cancelled Appointments

As a consideration for your fellow patients please contact us if you cannot attend your appointment for any reason. We often have people waiting urgently for appointments. A full fee may be charged for appointments missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.

Insurance Companies

Our practitioners are registered with most health Insurance providers. Unfortunately Insurance companies are less and less willing to fund treatment and some will only fund part of the costs. This is true for BUPA and PPP so we have withdrawn from their schemes. Some will also require referral from your regular Doctor or Consultant. Please check your insurance policy. Many patients are now choosing to self fund in order to obtain the quality of treatment they want.

Privacy Policy

View our Statement.

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